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Holding Their Hands

I keep coming back to this picture from last summer in Edinburgh, Scotland. That whole trip I never had free hands. The littles were always holding on to me and constantly wanted up. Even while surrounded by incredible scenery and history, I found myself frustrated with the whining and pleas for parental attention. It wasn’t just the jet lag that had me feeling exhausted.

Then something happened.

I realized after the first couple of days, “Hey—we’re suddenly on the other side of the world!” Everything was new and unknown. We had never been here. The kids had no idea what to expect or what was coming next and frankly, neither did I.

What they did know, is that they weren’t alone.

Regardless of our circumstances or surroundings, they knew I was there to guide them and keep them safe.

Honestly, I was nervous about going overseas. I had excellent support and a partner in Mike who was by my side the whole time, but it was still uncharted territory for me. And I was responsible for tiny humans to boot.

That trip ended up being the experience of a lifetime and gave us some of the greatest memories we will treasure as long as memory lasts. But it also prepared us for new worlds we would have to explore together back home. Some would be full of excitement, and others full of nightmares. Yet even when I have to find my way through a map that seems to have no direction, the kids still know if they’re holding my hand, they’ll be safe.

It’s not our job as parents to tell our children where to go, it’s simply our job to guide them until they learn to navigate for themselves.

And as for my babies, when the world seems to be too much to bear, at least they know I’ll always be there to carry them when their own feet cannot. 💖

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