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On May 12th, 2016 I began live-tweeting my entire experience of a day in the life of a sexual assault survivor just as it unfolded in 2006. Using videos, photos, and crime victimization statistics, I laid out a minute-by-minute account of the day my life was forever changed.

In the last four years, we have seen the rise of so many survivors and heard stories of both tragedies and triumphs. But we have also watched the current climate transform into an even harsher landscape for those who speak out that promotes taking sides and forgets all about our humanity. So once again on May 12th, 2020 I’ll be sharing my personal account on Twitter using the hashtag #Kim14.

Please keep in mind as I retell my story that the goal is to educate as many people as possible on the real and raw trauma that sexual assault victims may experience. Use hashtag #Kim14 to follow along and please help spread the word.

Kimberly Corban

Kimberly Corban is a sexual assault survivor turned crime victim advocate. A widely-acclaimed speaker, her keynotes and sought-after commentary provide timeless messages of inspiration, education, and actionable change. Kimberly is a Colorado wife and mother who loves sarcasm, movie quotes, and golfing with her husband Michael.

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